brand28's Annual Birthday Bash is Here! See How We are Celebrating You!

brand28's Annual Birthday Bash is Here! See How We are Celebrating You!


Before we start, thank you!       

“What a year it has been! As I reflect on the past year, it is impossible not to think of the drastic changes of where we were, and where we are today. For me personally, I welcomed my first baby boy - the true love of my life. To say I’ve experienced the utmost joy in life would be an understatement. 

The one overwhelming thought as I look back over the last 12 months, of course, is the Pandemic we are all dealing with and the impact it has had on all of us. Whether you’re a small business, large business, retired, in school - wherever you are in this moment, change has become an overwhelming constant, and uncertainty weighs heavy. Though times feel hard, let’s embrace this storm and learn from all the challenges it presents.

As a small business owner, this Pandemic allowed me the opportunity to reflect and assess our true mission - why we exist. When I first wanted to build a company, my main purpose was to provide employees, my team with a different experience than I had. I wanted to give them a space where they could be both creative and strategic. A place where it was okay to fail to learn. A place that didn’t tolerate the politics, red tape, cliques, and all the other nonsense that exists at other organizations that I worked for. We spend the majority of our days, weeks, months, years at needs to be a good experience. 

And then it hit me, this is exactly what brand28 has set out to do. We want to help bring this mission to other organizations because their people are their greatest asset. Take away the people and you have nothing. The reason we exist is to improve and deepen the relationship employees have with their employers. In the upcoming weeks and months, you will see changes around here more focused on our “why”, as now is a more critical time than ever to connect with your people and to understand your people to meet them where they are.

If you’re new here, welcome! If you’ve been with us for the past four years or so, wow! Thank you all so much for the support, the opportunities, and all the inspiration you provide to myself and the team. Let’s make big changes this year and embrace what is new!”

-Monirah Bacnik, Founder & CEO



This year’s birthday bash is all about you!

To say thank you for another great year, we want to gift our clients and our future clients (wink, wink!) with brand-spankin’ new services and massive deals.  

Every Monday we are announcing the new deal of the week via email, on our social media channels, and right here on our blog!

Be the first to know by following us on LinkedIn, Instagram and subscribing to our newsletter.(Subscribe to our newsletter by scrolling alllll the way down to the bottom of this page.)



WEEK 1: 50% Off Splash Studio Videos 

Educating employees on their benefits can be, frankly, incredibly boring. Lucky for you, brand28 has an entire library of videos that you can license to educate your employees in a fun and engaging way! 

How do we do it? We take out the jargon, make it relevant, and simplify the message. We built our Splash Studio videos with a powerful mission - get employees excited about their benefits again to improve the relationship they have with their employer. 


  1. Visit the Splash Studio and choose which videos suit your liking.

  2. Add the video to your cart and check out.

  3. We contact you to incorporate your custom features in the video.

  4. You get your video in just five business days complete with all the sharing links you need to make a statement in the workplace. 





WEEK 2: Employee Persona Toolkit with free workbook

Ever wonder how to engage your team? How to get them to listen? 

Here at brand28, we actively promote the use of “Employee Personas”. What’s an Employee Persona? Well, marketers use ‘buyer personas’ to identify and effectively communicate with their target market. You can apply this same concept to your employee population to help you understand who your employees are and how to communicate and engage with them. 


We want our employees to be engaged, embrace our company values, and stick around for the long haul, right? To do so, we need to understand who they are and what motivates them.  We need to communicate with them in a way they want to be communicated with. We need to incentivize employees with things they actually care about. Knowing who your audience is (a.k.a., your employees) is step one in mastering the complicated employee engagement puzzle.


  • Download the  FREE Employee Persona Workbook. Never have we shared this with our audience before! When we work with our clients, we use this workbook as we sit down and assess employee populations. Fill out this workbook with office locations, employee generations, and more to discover the employee persona(s) that exist in your workplace.



  • After filling out the Employee Persona Workbook, you can add a one-hour consultation with our team. Discuss challenges and pain points. Ask questions. Whatever your heart desires!

  • After your consultation, we’ll put together a customized strategy that will outline recommended next steps along with a realistic timeline of your course of action.

  • This add-on consultation is only $299 this month! (A $2,000 value)



Week 3: 15% Off Employee Explainer Videos

Company-wide communication can be difficult, confusing, and frustrating - especially in the midst of a pandemic. Who knew internal communications could become even more challenging? We’ll be real with you, when internal communications fail to engage employees, it costs companies billions of dollars in: 

  • Low productivity

  • Under performance

  • Absenteeism

  • Employee turnover

  • And much more…


Through the art of visual storytelling, we pump energy back into your messaging to captivate audiences and keep their attention. Our team knows how to reach your multi-generational workforce. We are fluent in corporate speak and remarkably skilled at translating complicated concepts into simple, practical information so that all employees are engaged, well-educated, and well-prepared. And during uncertain times like these, employees need to know they are valued and most importantly, safe. Our video services can effectively communicate your message to your employees no matter their location or generation.





Week 4: win a free BENEBITS™ subscription!

BeneBits™ are short, edgy, customizable benefits videos with the zing you need to finally win employee attention. Stop wasting precious productivity hours in open enrollment and new-hire meetings. Stop repeating the same information over and over again. Save time and money all while improving employee engagement levels.

Sounds too easy right? It gets even easier. brand28 does all the work for you!

brand28 has a decade of knowledge and expertise in benefits education. We analyzed our data to curate the best, most turn-key solution to help you keep employees informed, educated, and engaged.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Step 1:  You choose the videos you want from our extensive video library.

  • Step 2: We customize the videos to fit your needs with plan design details, clickable links, and more.

  • Step 3: Your BeneBits™ videos are delivered to you in just TWO short weeks!

  • Step 4: Share with your employees! We provide you with all the integration you need for sharing via email, text, online, and more.

…and that’s just the beginning!


How to win a FREE BeneBits™ subscription for the year…

A BeneBits™ subscription gets you up to 20 videos all about benefits education. They’re cool. They’re hip. They’re fresh. And they’re making a huge wave in the employee communications world.

And you can get yours for FREE!


  1. Follow us on LinkedIn @brand28 

  2. Like this post. 

  3. Comment on this post. It can be anything! Some people are even saying that “brand28 is magic”...hey, they’re not lying!

That’s it! If you complete ALL THREE steps, you could win.

A winner will be chosen on Friday, July 3. Best of luck! 



7 reasons why benefits videos are on the rise


5 Employee Communication Secrets to Effectively Connect with Your Remote Team