The Future of Benefit
Communication Starts Here.

Spice up your Open Enrollment.

We’ll create a video with your plan details so you can show off your benefits program to your employees!

We take the boring out of benefits.

Through the art of visual storytelling, we pump energy back into your messaging to captivate audiences and keep their attention.

Not enough hours
in the day?

We get it! We designed BeneBits™ to give you your time back. Plus, our video production time is only two weeks. Hot Dog!

What happens when you make your benefits easy, simple and enjoyable?

Employees will feel more confident in their benefits and thus, more confident in their employer (you!).

A digital benefits experience ultimately creates a 70% satisfaction rate, as opposed to 37% when the experience is mostly paper.  


Your messaging has power!

Use our Open Enrollment email campaign toolkit to easily create a benefits experience that will wow your employees.